Thursday, July 21, 2011

Is it really possible?

Is it really possible to get so excited about order and de-cluttering?! Apparently so.

And I must thank one of my dear friends, who just turned me on to a fantastic website that helps you maintain order and avoid chaos in the home!

Go check out FLYlady!

And I'm back after completing my 15-minute bedroom de-clutter blitz. Holy heck did that feel good, just throwing away with reckless abandon! I tend to agree that our bedrooms hold a lot of clutter because that's where we put things when we don't feel like actually "putting them away". : )

So gone are the work-out routines I've been saving (I'm not ashamed to say some were of the 1998 vintage!), the expired credit cards are in the shred pile where they belong, and those Martha Stewart-esque flower garden plans? To the trash- I live in the desert for goodness sake, and I didn't see any tips from Martha on how to avert jack rabbits and the neighbor's goat herd to foster the perfect flower bed!

Now off to your bedroom- I know you're just itching to find your own hidden treasures!

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