Saturday, August 27, 2011

Everything is as it should be...and other annoying musings.

Am I the only one who notices that annoying little proverbs always find you and then hang around like a pesky fly until you either accept the fact or take him out with a swatter?!And have you ever noticed that this type of stuff floats into your life when you actually NEED it, but don't want to HEAR it?!

This has been a tough lesson for me to learn. You see, I've been rehearsing an annoying-but-true proverb (everything is as it should be) to my dear Mum since reading a book whose title escapes me. Now, it's coming back to haunt me. Why can't I keep my Chris kisser shut?!

According to Dr. Wayne Dyer, our thoughts attract things into our life, good or bad. If you see a situation's outcome as positive, it will be; the same applies to negativity. Yikes! I really despise reading stuff that makes sense when I'm not in the mood to embrace it.

Now I'm not saying that notion nor the above-mentioned phrase are the only things governing how our lives actually play out; I believe there's a Creator who ultimately calls the shots. I guess you could say He is the director and I'm more of the actress!

Yet still, I guess it's just the human in me who believes I can change the outcome of certain life scenarios if I make a good effort, pray about it and think positively. But inevitably, there are some things you just can't control...which drives the control freak in me crazy. Blurgh- please help me to learn my lesson quickly and completely so I can make the voices stop!! : )


  1. I think I read that same book or parts of it anyway - positive thinking attracts positive energy and outcomes!! Likewise, negative attracts negative, so keep the glass half full and the cup runneth over :)

  2. You are absolutely right- I can definitely see the end difference when I envision a positive outcome versus a negative one...and I really don't believe that's just pure coincidence. : )
