Monday, August 1, 2011

A new Mama rant...

I admit it- I'm somewhat of a germa-phobe...okay, it's safe because most of you know me, so I'll just own up to the fact that I have a MAJOR case of the OCD's when it comes to germs. Eeeew- it even grosses me out when I look at that word (an ill attempt at humor).

And somehow strangers sense this...which is why they constantly come up to me in public places and touch my dear, sweet, germ-free son.

"Can I just touch him? It's a thing I have to do with babies." Uh, weird!

I'm sure you're saying at this point, "You had a chance to say 'no'". Which is true- but is there really a way to say that tactfully? And then you  may ask, "Why would you worry about being tactful at a time like this?!" Dang- you people are killing me today.

I must say I did what any freaky-with-the-germ-fears mama would do. When we returned to the safe, clean confines of the car, I whipped out a wipe and went to work on my son's face, hands, and feet...pretty much any skin that risked contamination from that strange chick with the "touching" sickness.

Oh my goodness- this blog is like confession! Except I'm not Catholic and I'm quite certain God is having a laugh as he continues challenging me with these "touching people."

Is my lovely one destined to live his youth inside a bubble? No, that's a ludicrous question! I'll just be walking alongside him every step of the way, with my sanitizing wipes of course. : )

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