Sunday, October 2, 2011

Another tired Mama tirade.

As I sit here watching my son's little chest rise and fall during peaceful slumber, I wonder how anyone could suggest they'd rather be at work than staying home with their kid(s).

It's been all of three weeks since I witnessed a woman uttering those words, and I thought I could let it go. After all, everyone has their opinions and we can agree to disagree, right? Not this time- she acted as if it was the ultimate punishment. Give this time clock Mama a BREAK!

Am I missing something? Perhaps I'm still in the honeymoon stages of being a mother (if there is such a thing) and don't see the "real" work of being a stay-at-home Mama. I'm going to take a giant leap of faith (sarcasm) and say it's more rewarding than my paycheck job. While I'm extremely grateful to have a dependable income,  my "volunteer" time seems far better spent. Where else can I induce a chuckle for singing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and babble like a medicated manic without someone questioning my sanity? Certainly not at the water cooler or in cubicle land.

Do I sometimes reminisce about my days pre-baby? Briefly, but I can't remember what exactly my days consisted of and I've concluded that none of it was too important. Do I wish for a leisurely bath, a few uninterrupted moments to curl up with my Kindle, or the ultimate of sins- sleeping in? Occasionally, yes. But those notions are quickly replaced by the joy of bath time or a round of peek-a-boo. Oh, what sweet punishment!

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